53rd Romanian Pentecostal Convention

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Join us in Atlanta as we gather for the 53rd Romanian Pentecostal Convention. Take advantage of early registration for discounted rates. Don’t miss out on this year’s gathering.

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Join us live on Sundays at 9am and 6pm
Or tune in online at 10am and 6pm

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Implicați prin voluntariat pentru Convenția Penticostală 2023!

Glorifying God through His Works

About PRC

We are a Romanian Pentecostal church. We strive to Glorify Jesus and to build up His Kingdom through prayer, teaching and worship with the power of the Holy Spirit.


Vision B3

As a growing ministry, Philadelphia Romanian Church has the vision to impact the local community through the completion of "Vision B3".

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Georgia Christian Academy

Georgia Christian Academy is a startup, Christian, private school in the local Lawrenceville, Ga area.

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